Saturday 27 October 2012


So I've made it to Half-Term. On the whole I'm still smiling. Not enjoying the increased power-cuts and eratic internet access. Which might be attributed to rainy season or fibre-optic cable down in Tanzania.
Major achievement of the week - Parents Evenings. I had worried that parents in another culture might be too different for me to communicate with. But just like the children they are very similar to British parents. It was interesting however, working with a translator in some of the interviews. Had to chose my words very carefully.
Last day of Half-Term I introduced my class to 'Golden Time', they thought it was great. Couldn't quite believe they had 15 mins to do what they liked.

First two days of holiday spent producing wedding invitations with my housemate. They needed to be sent off on the bus to Uganda this morning. So last night we discovered the joys of working by candle light. Not sure how 'rustic' they are going to look in day light, but we managed to produce 135!
Hopefully through Half-term internet access will improve! I am at present discovering the joys an internet Cafe! It's very posh and full of Muzungu's !!

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